Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Bates White Load Forecast Review Report - 2024-07-25
  Analysis of Recommendations, Mitigations, and Enhancements of the Labrador-Island Link - 2024-07-09
  2023 Long-Term Load Forecast Report - 2024-03-28
  Near-Term Reliability Report - November 2023 - 2023-11-15
  Avalon Supply (Transmission) Study - REDACTED - 2023-10-31
  Pumped Storage at Existing Hydro Sites - REDACTED - 2023-10-31
  Summary of Labrador Island Link Failure InvestigationsLine L35012 - 2023-10-04
  Battery Energy Storage System Study - 2023-09-29
  Near-Term Reliability Report - May 2023 - 2023-06-02
  Updated Project Schedule for L'Anse au Diable Grounding Station and Wave Study for Dowden's Point Grounding Station - 2022-12-19
  Near-Term Reliability Report - November 2022 - 2022-11-15
  Design Review for L'Anse au Diable and Dowden's Point Grounding Stations - 2022-07-25
  Near-Term Reliability Report - May 2022 - 2022-05-16
  Assessment to Determine the Potential Long-Term Viability of the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station - 2022-03-31
  Additional Considerations of the Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment and Outcomes of the Failure Investigation Findings - Additional Info - 2022-02-04
  Additional Considerations of the Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment and Outcomes of the Failure Investigation Findings - 2021-12-22
  Root Cause Analysis Report for the L’Anse au Diable Grounding Station Phase 2 Breakwater - 2021-11-30
  Near-Term Reliability Report - November 2021 - 2021-11-15
  Labrador-Island Link Failure Investigation Reports - January and February 2021 - 2021-05-31
  Near-Term Reliability Report - May 2021 - 2021-05-17
  Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment Summary Report - Revision 1 - 2021-04-13
  Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment Summary Report - 2021-03-12
  Assessment of Options to Improve Holyrood Thermal Generating Station’s Suitability as a Backup Facility - 2020-09-30
  Structural Capacity Assessment of the Labrador Island Transmission Link - Prepared by EFLA Consulting Engineers - 2020-04-30
  TP-TN-068 Application of Emergency Transmission Planning Criteria for a Labrador Island Link Bipole Outage - 2019-07-31
The Liberty Consulting Group
The Liberty Consulting Group - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study - Comments on Nov 15, 2019 Update Response to Liberty's Recommendations - 2019-12-05
The Liberty Consulting Group Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study Report - 2019-08-19
  Quarterly Monitoring Reports
  Labrador-Island Link Monthly Updates
  Labrador-Island Link Quarterly Updates
  Monthly Monitoring of LCP Completion and Hydro Preparations for Winter
Operational Studies
Combustion Turbine Feasibility Study - 2023-10-13
Combustion Turbine Feasibility Study - Overview - 2023-10-04
Operational Studies - 2021-03-31
Operational Studies - Stage 4 -Reports - 2020-04-15
Avalon Capacity Study - Solutions to Serve Island Demand During a LIL Bipole Outage - 2019-05-24
NLSO Annual Planning Assessments
Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator (NLSO) - 2023 Annual Planning Assessment - 2023-05-17
Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator (NLSO) - 2022 Annual Planning Assessment - 2022-04-08
Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator (NLSO) - 2021 Annual Planning Assessment - Revision 1 - 2021-05-10
Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator (NLSO) - 2021 Annual Planning Assessment - 2021-03-31
Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator (NLSO) Annual Planning Assessment Report - 2020-05-25
Related Reports
Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power on the Island Interconnected System - Phase Two