The Motor Carrier Act

Chapter M - 19, 1990 

   Paschal Ryan                                                                                                             M.C. 1 (2008)

      o/a Ryan’s Ambulance Service     


Application to discontinue providing ambulance service under Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3591, conditional that an identical service be granted to Ryan’s Ambulance Service Ltd.


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               January 16, 2008



   Town of La Scie                                                                                                         M.C. 2 (2008)


               Application for approval of an amendment to its Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6389.


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               March 12, 2008



Delaney’s Ambulance Services Inc.                                                                         M.C. 3 (2008)


               To amend its Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3572 to provide the following service:

IRREGULAR ROUTE SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or a registered nurse from any point located on or accessed from Highway Route Number 1 between and including the eastern entrance to Terra Nova National Park and a point located on Highway Route Number 1 one kilometre east of the Gambo River including all points within Terra Nova National Park and all points located on or accessed from Highway Route Numbers 301, 310, and 2-1-10 to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and upon the specific request of a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               May 15, 2008



Gambo Ambulance Services Incorporated                                                               M.C. 4 (2008)


Application for approval of issuance of a Motor Carrier Certificate to provide ambulance service


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               July 7, 2008



Steven Blanchard                                                                                                       M.C. 5 (2008)


               Application for approval of issuance of a Motor Carrier Certificate to provide:

REGULAR PUBLIC PASSENGER BUS SERVICE for the transportation of passengers and their baggage at separate fares from Baie Verte to Grand Falls–Windsor and the reverse thereof.  This authority will include pick up and drop off privileges at Springdale.


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               September 5, 2008



Gilbert Easton, o/a G & P Enterprises                                                                     M.C. 6 (2008)


Application to discontinue providing regular public passenger bus service under Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6391.


               Approval granted.

      Date Issued:

               October 1, 2008



Kearney’s Ambulance Services Ltd.                                                                        M.C. 7 (2008)


Application for approval of the transfer of beneficial share ownership of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6285from Derrick Kearney, sole shareholder, Kearney’s Ambulance Services Ltd. to Fewer’s Ambulance Service Ltd.


               Approval granted.

      Date Issued:

               October 1, 2008



Delaney’s Ambulance Service Inc                                                                            M.C. 8 (2008)


Application for amendment of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3572 to delete,

IRREGULAR ROUTE SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or registered nurse from Gambo, Dark Cove, Middle Brook, Hare Bay, Dover, and Wellington, all located on Highway Route No. 320, to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador


               Approval granted.

      Date Issued:

               October 1, 2008


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