Board of Commissioners
of Public Utilities
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro 2021 Supplemental Capital Budget Application
Approvals Required to Execute Programming Identified in the Electrification,
Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025
The documents provided are for informational purposes only and are NOT the Official Board Record.
Please read the Board Disclaimer before reviewing any information on this site.

  Application for Approvals Required to Execute Programming Identified in the Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025 - 2021-06-16  
  Application for Approvals Required to Execute Programming Identified in the Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025 - Revision 1 - 2021-07-08  
  Press / Notices  
  Requests for Information by Party   
  From NP - RFIs - NP-NLH-001 to NP-NLH-008 - 2021-07-09  
  From IC - RFIs - IC-NLH-001 to IC-NLH-036 - 2021-07-14  
  From CA - RFIs - CA-NLH-001 to CA-NLH-036 - 2021-07-15  
  To NLH - RFIs - PUB-NLH-001 to PUB-NLH-049 - 2021-07-15  
  From IC - RFIs - TC-IC-NLH-001 to TC-IC-NLH-025 - 2022-02-16  
  To NP - RFIs - TC-PUB-NP-001 to TC-PUB-NP-005 - 2022-02-16  
  To NLH - RFIs - TC-PUB-NLH-001 to TC-PUB-NLH-004 - 2022-02-16  
  From CA - TC-CA-NLH-001 to TC-CA-NLH-047 - 2022-02-18  
  From CA - TC-CA-NP-001 to TC-CA-NP-045 - 2022-02-18  
  To IC - RFIs - TC-PUB-IC-001 to TC-PUB-IC-006 - 2022-05-13  
  From NLH - RFIs - TC-NLH-IC-001 to TC-NLH-IC-007 - 2022-05-13  
  Responses to Requests for Information  
  From NLH - 2023 Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Report - 2024-04-10  
  To Parties - Review Schedule - 2021-06-30  
  To Parties - RFIs Schedule Extended - 2021-07-09  
  To Parties - Applications to Proceed as One Matter - 2021-08-30  
  From IC - Request for Technical Conference - 2021-09-07  
  To Parties - Industrial Customer Groups Request for Technical Conference - Request for Comments - 2021-09-10  
  From NLH - IC Request for Technical Conference - Comments - 2021-09-10  
  From CA - IC Request for Technical Conference - Comments - 2021-09-13  
  From NP - IC Request for Technical Conference - Comments - 2021-09-14  
  From IC - IC Request for Technical Conference - Comments - 2021-09-14  
  To Parties - Response to Boards Correspondence of August 30, 2021 and September 9 and 13, 2021 - 2021-09-17  
  From CA - Submission - 2021-09-22  
  From IC - Submission - 2021-09-22  
  From NP - Reply Submission - 2021-09-24  
  From NLH - Reply Submission - 2021-09-24  
  To Parties - RFIs Filing Schedule - 2022-02-02  
  From NLH - Responses to RFIs - Filing Delay - 2022-03-24  
  From NP - Technical Conference - Presentation - 2022-02-01  
  To Parties - Expert Reports Filing Schedule - 2022-04-19  
  To NLH - Request for Market Conditions Update - 2022-06-03  
  To NP - Request for Market Conditions Update - 2022-06-03  
  From NLH and NP - Joint Submission - Market Conditions Update - 2022-06-17  
  To Parties - Process and Schedule - 2022-06-29  
  From CA - Comments - Market Conditions Update - 2022-07-08  
  From IC - Market Conditions Update - Comments - 2022-07-15  
  From NLH - Reply - 2022-07-29  
  From NP - Reply - 2022-07-29  
  Expert Reports  
  From IC - Expert Report - Patrick Bowman - 2022-05-04  
  P.U. 30(2021)  
  P.U. 30(2021) - Reasons for Decision  
  P.U. 33(2022)   
PUB Home Page
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