Question: 15
Why is a winter blend necessary for some products?
During the winter maximum prices for furnace oil heating fuel and diesel motor fuel on the island are based on a seasonal blend to reflect the specifications of the product supplied. Maximum furnace oil heating fuel and diesel motor fuel prices reflect a seasonal blend of 75 per cent ultra-low sulphur kerosene and 25 per cent ultra-low sulphur diesel. The seasonal blending is done to improve the fuel performance in colder temperatures. The seasonal blending of products can be found below
Benchmark Sources and Blending Methodology |
Product |
Reporting Data Source |
Product Price Assessment |
Blend Methodology |
Winter Blend |
Spring Blend |
Gasoline |
Argus Media |
New York Harbor UNL 87 |
100% UNL 87 Year Round |
Gasoline |
Argus Media |
New York Harbor UNL 87 |
100% UNL 87 Year Round |
Gasoline |
Argus Media |
New York Harbor UNL 87 |
100% UNL 87 Year Round |
Diesel Motor
Fuel (Island) |
Argus Media |
New York Harbor ULSD
New York Harbor ULSK |
25% ULSD
75% ULSK |
25% ULSD
75% ULSK |
Diesel Motor
(Zones 13 and 13a) |
Argus Media |
New York Harbor ULSD
New York Harbor ULSK
100% ULSK |
100% ULSD |
Furnace Oil
Heating Fuel(Island) |
Argus Media |
New York Harbor ULSD
New York Harbor ULSK |
25% ULSD
75% ULSK |
100% ULSD |
Stove Oil
Heating Fuel
(Zones 13 and 13a)
Argus Media |
New York Harbor ULSK |
100% ULSK Year Round |
Heating Fuel |
Oil Price Information Service |
Sarnia Propane (Weekly Average) |
Sarnia Propane Price Year Round |
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