Question: 5
Why doesn’t the Board notify consumers in advance of changes in maximum fuel prices?
The legislation requires the Board to notify wholesalers and retailers in the province of changes to its maximum prices and the date on which the new maximum prices are to become effective. The Board provides notice to wholesalers and retailers in the afternoon of the day prior to an adjustment so that they may prepare and update their prices in advance of the maximum price change.
The legislation prohibits wholesalers and retailers from disclosing the price established by the Board until the date on which the price comes into effect. Early public release of upcoming changes in maximum fuel prices can influence purchase behaviour in a manner that could lead to wholesaler and/or retailer margin issues and potential supply disruptions depending on the magnitude and direction of the change to be implemented by the Board. The Board has no authority to intervene if a wholesaler or retailer decides to discontinue the sale of product and cannot mandate a supplier to sell any particular product. |